ISD unveils new organizational structure

May 23, 2023
ISD unveils new organizational structure

The Information Service Department (ISD) has taken a major step towards enhancing its operations by unveiling a new organizational structure. This move comes as part of the department's ongoing efforts to adapt to the rapidly evolving information landscape and meet the needs of the Ghanaian public in the digital age.

The ISD, which has served as the government's public relations outfit for over 80 years, has faced its fair share of challenges in recent times. However, the unveiling of the new structure marks a significant milestone in the department's journey towards overcoming these obstacles and delivering on its mandate.

In his keynote address at the unveiling ceremony on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, Minister for Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah acknowledged the challenges faced by the ISD in recent years and commended the department for its resilience in delivering on its mandate. He emphasized the importance of the new structure in addressing these challenges and positioning the ISD for success in the digital age.

"The past years have presented numerous challenges for the ISD, but I commend the department for its unwavering dedication to its mandate," stated Mr. Oppong Nkrumah. "Today, we unveil a new organizational structure that reflects the changing dynamics of the information landscape. This structure will enable the ISD to effectively navigate the digital era and deliver its services to the people of Ghana."

The new structure introduces several key divisions within the ISD, each with specific roles and responsibilities. These divisions include the Research Division, ISD Media, Access to Information (ATI) Division, Public Relations Coordinating Division, and the Public Education Campaign (PEC) Division.

Also present at the unveiling was the Ag. Chief Information Officer, David Owusu-Amoah, Deputy Information Officer - Access to Information, Dr. Winifred Nafisa Mahama, Principal Information Officer – Research Division, Linda Baffour Awuah amongst other directors.

On his part, Mr. Owusu-Amoah, expressed his enthusiasm for the new structure, stating, "we believe that this reorganization will position the ISD at the forefront of information dissemination in this new era. It will enhance our ability to effectively engage with the public and deliver accurate and timely information."

He said part of the restructuring efforts, ISD offices across the country will be retooled, with the initial phase already completed. He acknowledged some delays due to financial constraints but assured that the final phase would soon commence.

This Mr. Oppong Nkrumah for ISD staff to embrace the training and new logistics that accompany the organizational restructuring. He urged them to take good care of the resources provided to ensure optimal performance in their roles.

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