Cocobod/GTA outdoor activities to mark Chocolate Week celebrations

February 4, 2022
Cocobod/GTA outdoor activities to mark Chocolate Week celebrations

The Ghana Cocoa Board (Cocobod) and the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) have launched the 2022 National Chocolate Week to celebrate and promote the consumption of chocolate in Ghana.

The event, which start from 12th to 22nd February, 2022, under the theme: “Eat Chocolate, Stay Healthy, Grow Ghana” and sub-themed “Our Chocolate, Our Health, Our Wealth" is part of efforts to promote the domestic consumption of Ghana chocolate and other cocoa-based products.

Information Minister, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah who performed the official launching ceremony charged Ghanaians to take huge advantage of the celebrations while helping promote local consumption of chocolates and other cocoa based-products.

The activities were outdoored at a ceremony in Mampong on Thursday February 3, 2022.

The ceremony was attended by Deputy Tourism Minister, Mark Okraku Mantey, Deputy Trade Minister, Herbert Krapa, Board Chairman of Cocobod, Mr. Peter MacManu and the Executive Director of the GTA, Mr. Akwasi Agyeman.

Major activities of the National Chocolate Week Celebration include:

• Cocoa Health Walk on the Aburi Mountains on Saturday 5th February, 2022.

• Donation of Cocoa products to the Chief Imam on Friday, 11th February at the National Mosque as well as some Churches such as Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic on Sunday, 13th February, 2022. These two events will also be performed by GTA Regional staff in their respective Regions across the Country.

• A float with the Double-decker City tour coach (Auntie Dedei) through some principal streets in Accra to sensitize the public on the health and economic benefits of chocolate and other cocoa-based products, and also the need to embark on domestic tourism on Monday, 14th February, 2022.

• Chocolate Day at the Dubai Expo on Monday, 14th February, 2022.

• Durbar and Exhibition of Chocolate and cocoa based products at the Chococity, Tetteh Quarshie Roundabout near the Accra Mall on Monday, 14th February, 2022.

• Premiering at the SilverBird Cinemas of a Ghanaian movie, "Heroes of Africa, Tetteh Quarshie"

• Chocolate Expo at Kempinski Gold Coast City Hotel in Accra on Tuesday, 22nd February, 2022.

Also, two Chocolate Cities have  been set up at Tetteh Quarshie roundabout in Accra and Rattray Park in Kumasi to bring all chocolateurs and processors together to  showcase their chocolate and cocoa products.

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