Coastal communities grateful for Sea Defence Projects

March 22, 2024
Coastal communities grateful for Sea Defence Projects

Coastal communities in the Central and Western Regions of Ghana have expressed their deep appreciation for ongoing sea defence projects in their areas.

The projects, which are aimed at protecting their homes and livelihoods from the ravages of coastal erosion have been in execution since 2017 under the purview of the Ministry of Works and Housing.

Sector Minister, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah during a recent visit toured the coastal areas as part of efforts to inspect and expedite the completion of these crucial projects.

The Minister's visit provided an opportunity for residents to convey their gratitude for the government's unwavering commitment to protecting their communities against the destructive forces of coastal erosion. Local leaders, including Chiefs and elders, expressed their appreciation for the timely intervention of the sea defence projects, which have restored a sense of security and stability to their lives.

"We are immensely grateful to the government for prioritizing the protection of our communities through the implementation of these vital sea defence projects. The completion of these projects will ensure that future generations can continue to thrive in our coastal areas without fear of displacement or loss," remarked the Omanhen of the Oguaa Traditional Area, Osabariba Kwesi Atta II when the Minister paid a courtesy call on the Paramount Chief.

Similar sentiments of gratitude echoed throughout the coastal communities visited by Minister Oppong Nkrumah, underscoring the profound impact of the government's investment in coastal protection initiatives.

Residents expressed optimism for the future, confident in the government's commitment to supporting their communities and ensuring their long-term resilience against the challenges posed by coastal erosion.

In his brief address to the media, Mr. Oppong Nkrumah was visibly elated at the impact of the sea defence projects in protecting lives and livelihoods of local communities.

He said: "the implementation of the sea defence projects has been instrumental in safeguarding the lives and properties of our coastal communities. We are pleased to see the positive impact of these projects firsthand."

The Minister was in the company of some officials from the Ministry as well as Ghana Hydrological Authority.

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